But we don't just hand them out, so read on for info...

Guys must attend as a non member for a while so we can get to know them and if all goes well, we will offer them a membership. Gaining a membership has nothing to do with looks, it’s to do with attitude and respect for our venue and the guests within. 

We don’t have separate memberships for trans guys…you are a guy and you would be considered for a single guy membership in the same way 

Ready to see what the fuss is about?

Attending as a non member

  • Check the event details to ensure non member single guys are permitted and it's an event that suits you
  • Only book your ticket and pre-pay in IF YOU ARE 100% SURE YOU CAN MAKE IT! Tickets are non refundable and non transferable to other people or events
  • If it's your first time, arrive before 9.30pm and before 10.30pm on subsequent nights
  • Bring your ticket either on your phone or printed out and bring full ID with you to all events until you gain membership (hit the tab below for ID requirements)
  • Follow the dress code - absolutely no sports trainers or sportswear
  • Read the rules and etiquette before you attend

On arrival

  • Your ticket will be scanned and checked against your name. Please only use your real name, not a fake or scene name as this invalidates your ticket, without a refund
  • The manager will book you into our guest system using your ID
  • Switch your phone off and put it away safely
  • We will take your £10  CASH deposit and give you a locker key/bar tab number. The £10 will be offset against your bar bill when you leave
  • We will give you a tour of the club and you can ask any questions you may have... there is no such thing as a silly question!

During the night

  • Chat, mingle, relax in the hot tub/sauna, soak up the vibe and people watch
  • You may be asked to can say no, nothing is ever expected of you.
  • If you ask someone to join you in a playroom and they say no, don't be pushy as it will get you a ban. 
  • You may not be asked to play; this doesn't stop you watching others, but masturbating in doorways or over scenes is just not cool, so no five finger knuckle shuffles unless invited please guys
  • You will be asked to dress down if you want to go upstairs after 10.30pm
  • Try not to drink too much; you want to be in control of your decisions. We find that people push their own boundaries and those of others when they are drunk

How to gain a membership

  • Memberships are given at our discretion
  • We will need to get to know you at non member events first
  • We don't issue memberships based on looks or size of appendage!
  • We want guys who respect our club, our members and rules
  • Memberships are just £10 - so we are careful about who gets one
  • You pay less for entry once you're a member

Top tips and things to note

  • There will be member and non member prices for most events
  • Follow event links for specific pricing details
  • Our ladies like guys who make an effort and smell good. We are not a casual dress code venue
  • You won't get anywhere unless you talk to people and engage
  • Don't follow people around as it's just weird and will get you a bad reputation. It may also get you a ban if you don't heed warnings
  • Please don't worry about your age/size/colour/sexuality etc... we are all attracted to different things
  • Memberships can be revoked at anytime for breaking rules
  • We NEVER allow groups of 2 or more non member guys in on any night
  • No ID - No entry
  • There are perks to membership so it's worth your time and effort to be approved

3 Strikes rule

Townhouse events need to be monitored closely for ratios and capacity due to legalities and logistics. Please only add yourself to a guestlist event and pay for an event if you are 100% certain you can make it. If you cancel within 48 hours of an event or fail to attend, you have blocked a place that someone else could have taken and you could be affecting ratios, especially at events like Milf Monday. If you cancel within 48 hours of an event or do not attend, then you will be given a 'strike' and you will not be refunded. If you get 3 strikes, you will no longer be able to attend Townhouse events. 
Only in exceptional circumstances will a strike be withheld (car trouble, dog ate my keys, dead canary, missed bus, forgot about the event are amongst the excuses we do not accept! lol). This applies to EVERYBODY.

Non Member Prices

Your £10 bar tab deposit and membership fee if relevant, MUST be paid in CASH on the night

Member Prices